Jesus Messiah | Teaching Messiah

As we continue our journey through the series "Jesus Messiah," we find ourselves reflecting on the profound teachings shared by Pastor Genetta Herrera and the teaching team. Each week has offered us new insights into the transformative power of Christ's message, and today, we delve into the fourth week's sermon that delves deep into the essence of Jesus as our Great Teacher.

Amazed by His Teaching

The focal passage for this week's sermon is from Matthew 7:12-29, where Jesus imparts profound wisdom to his disciples and the gathered crowd. Through his teachings, Jesus addresses fundamental aspects of life, morality, and spiritual understanding.

Understanding the Essence of Jesus' Teachings

Jesus begins by emphasizing the importance of treating others with kindness and compassion, encapsulating the essence of the Law and the Prophets. He then urges his listeners to enter God's Kingdom through the narrow gate, warning against false prophets and emphasizing the significance of genuine actions over empty words.

Recognizing True Wisdom

Pastor Genetta reflects on the impact of Jesus' words on the crowd, highlighting their amazement at his teaching. Unlike the teachings of the religious leaders of the time, Jesus' words carried a unique authority that penetrated both the intellect and the heart. His simplicity in conveying profound truths made his teachings accessible to all, transcending the barriers of social status or religious hierarchy.

Applying Jesus' Teachings Today

Drawing parallels to modern-day influencers, Pastor Genetta emphasizes that Jesus transcends the superficiality often associated with influence. Jesus' teachings are not motivated by popularity or personal gain but are rooted in wisdom and sacrificial love. His words challenge us to examine our own lives and consider whether we are genuinely amazed by his teachings and willing to align our actions with his will.

Living Out Jesus' Teachings

As we reflect on the message shared by Pastor Genetta, let us consider how we can apply Jesus' teachings in our lives:

Simplicity in Wisdom: Jesus' teachings make the complex simple, offering clear guidance for navigating life's challenges.

Making Room for His Words: In a world filled with noise and distractions, let us prioritize making space for Jesus' words to penetrate our hearts.

Putting His Words into Practice: Hearing Jesus' words is not enough; we must actively apply them in our daily lives, embodying his teachings through our actions.

Embracing Hope: Despite the storms of life, Jesus offers us hope and resilience, guiding us to build our lives upon a firm foundation of faith and obedience.


As we conclude this reflection on Jesus as our Great Teacher, let us echo the words of Horatio Spafford, who found solace in the midst of profound loss by proclaiming, "It is well with my soul." May we, too, find comfort and inspiration in Jesus' teachings, allowing them to transform our lives and guide us on the path of wisdom and righteousness.

In the journey of faith, let us continue to seek the wisdom of our Great Teacher, Jesus Messiah, who leads us from darkness into light.


Jesus Messiah | Fighting Messiah


Jesus Messiah | Following Messiah